Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
11 December 2013


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Llinos Madeley / Helen Finlayson
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8403/8600





1     Introductions, apologies and substitutions (09:25)



2     Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill: Stage 2 - Consideration of amendments (09.25 - 11:30) 

In accordance with Standing Order 26.21, the Committee will dispose of amendments to the Bill in the following order:


·         Sections 162 – 169

·         Section 1

·         Long title


Supporting documents:

Marshalled List of Amendments, 11 December 2013

Groupings of Amendments, 11 December 2013


In attendance:

Gwenda Thomas AM, Deputy Minister for Social Services




3     Papers to note (11.30 - 11:35) (Pages 1 - 15)




Letter from the Chair of Hywel Dda Health Board dated 5 December 2013  (Pages 16 - 17)




Letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services - response to the Committee's letter on the Welsh Government's Draft Budget 2014/15  (Pages 18 - 23)





Letter from the Deputy Minister for Social Services - Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill and children's social care  (Page 24)




The Committee's forward work programme: January - April 2014  (Pages 25 - 28)




4     Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (vi) to resolve to exclude the public for items 5 and 6 of today's meeting and from the meeting on 16 January 2014 (11:35)



5     Unscheduled care - preparedness for winter 2013/14 - Consideration of draft letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services (11.35 - 11:50) (Pages 29 - 41)



6     Stroke risk reduction - follow-up inquiry - Consideration of draft letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services (11.50 - 12.05) (Pages 42 - 57)
